
Feature Blueprints

The Vision For Enchanting gives an overview of what the project is all about.

The list and status of all blueprints can be found on LaunchPad(external link) (LP for short), and the details are all in the wiki. Wiki writers, please try to keep the two in sync.

The following are features that need discussion and implementation in Enchanting.

For Discussion

Sprites On The NXT | LP(external link)
NXT Connection Status Indicators | LP(external link)
Configuring Sensors and Motors | LP(external link)
Communicating Between Scratch and The NXT | LP(external link)
Variables On The NXT | LP(external link)
UI for Running, Uploading, and Exporting Code?
Playing Audio Waveforms?
Multiple NXTs?
Bluetooth Connections?

For Implementation

(None yet)