

Enchanting is open-source, with different components under different licenses.

Enchanting is based on Scratch(external link) 1.4, which is built on Squeak(external link) 2.8. Enchanting falls under the Scratch Source Code License(external link) (scroll down to "The Scratch Source Code License" heading, and also see the "Scratch and Squeak" heading, which indicates that parts of the software fall under the Squeak License(external link).)

Windows versions of Enchanting may include the Java Developer Kit, version 6, of the Apache Harmony(external link) project, which is under the Apache Software License v2(external link).

Enchanting includes a third-party component, leJOS NXJ(external link), which falls under a different licenses. The leJOS 0.85 LEGAL file states:

The majority of the code of lejos NXT is issued under a MozillaPublic License v1(external link) - see the LICENSE file. This is the license
that lejos has always been issued under, as it originally included
Kekoa Proudfoot's librcx code, which was issued under that license.

The libnxt project created by David Anderson is issued under the GPL v2(external link)
license - see the COPYING file in the libnxt directory.

The Apache Jakarta Project Byte Code Enginnering Library, bcel5.2.jar
(renamed as bcel.jar) is issued under the Apache Software License v2(external link).
The jar file includes the license.

The Apache Commons CLI library, commons-cli-1.0.jar (renamed as commons-cli.jar)
is issued under the Apache Software License v1.1(external link) license.
The jar file includes the license.

Another jar file, 3rdparty/lib/cpptasks.jar, is issued under the
Apache Software License v2(external link). The jar file includes the license.

The Bluecove Bluetooth library, see 3rdparty/lib/bluecove.jar is issued
under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 2.1(external link). The source for
this project is included in 3rdparty/lib, and the source zip file
includes the license.

The Bluecove-GPL library is used on Linux. The jar file and source is
included in 3rdparty/lib. This uses the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3(external link).

See the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS file for acknowledgment of authors
and organisations that have contributed to this project.